As DCFA works towards its goals and objectives, we are reminded of those women and families who lack the resources for medical care or the information to make knowledgeable decisions about treatment options. Won’t you join us in this mission?
DCFA is currently seeking:
DCFA is currently seeking:
- Community volunteers to serve on the Board of Directors, the Advisory Board and the Professional Advisory Board.
- Commitments from the medical and pharmaceutical community to assist the foundation in providing treatment at reduced cost or no cost for qualified recipients.
- Knowledgeable individuals for assistance in securing grants, donations and endowments available to our organization and gifts from the public or private sector to further patient education, treatment and research.
- Community involvement in the educational awareness projects through participation in lectures and symposiums.
- Dedicated professionals to provide the Board with guidance and counsel.
- Community involvement in the disbursement of information through printed materials and public service announcements in the media, the community and via the internet, and community involvement in the fundraising efforts of the foundation.
- We sincerely need your help and encourage you to join DCFA’s efforts through volunteerism, membership or donations. It is through the generosity of our community that we will truly make a difference and provide hope for the women and families who are desperately in need of assistance.